Friday, January 22, 2010

MINI-E Doubles as a Cargo Van

One of the shortfalls of the MINI-E as compared to a regular MINI Cooper is that there is no back seat. Just about the entire back seat area is taken up by the 48 lithium ion battery modules that power the car. There is a small cargo area that you can access from the rear hatch but it is only about 12 inches deep and can fit about 3 grocery bags. Any large items that you need to transport must be put in the passenger seat area. I just about always drive alone so the passengers seat does not have a person there, but that doesn't mean it's not full most of the time. I own a restaurant in Montclair New Jersey, Nauna's Bella Casa and I always need to run and pick up supplies. I pack that little MINI-E with so much stuff you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it. I once filled it with 18 cases of soda. Another time I carried six 50lb bags of flour but most of the time I just fill it with an assortment of restaurant supplies like pasta, olive oil, paper goods & produce. The picture about doesn't nearly show how much stuff I've packed in it at once, but it was the only picture I had. I better explain why the seat belt is fastened before I get some smart comment. No, I'm not worried that the cooking oil might get hurt, I just have to fasten the seat belt when there is weight on the passenger seat or I'll have to listen to the annoying chime that MINI puts in their cars to remind you to wear your seat belt. I'll tell you this, it works. It's so annoying I have to fasten my seatbelt or I'll go out of my mind listening to it.

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